Swarovski Alice In Wonderland White Rabbit Kaninchen 5670229 Neu 2024


White rabbits are a symbol of inner courage and opportunity. In the classic Disney tale, this iconic character leads Alice into the mysteries of Wonderland, repeatedly saying that he’s “late for a very important date.” Swarovski has brought this magical tribute to life with 302 expertly crafted facets. The figurine displays a multitude of colours and a high level of detail on the waistcoat, face, glasses, and accessories – including the famous pocket watch.

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      Alice In Wonderland

            White Rabbit


Artikel Nr. 5670229
Kollektion:  Alice
Höhe: 8.3 x 4.3 x 6.4 cm
Material:  Kristalle, Metall
Farbe:  Mehrfarbig
Neu in Ovp
Neu Sale
Swarovski Disney Showcase Pluto 692344 Ovp

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